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来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-24

This example demonstrates how to use Microwave office to create a layoutCrom a schematic. It includes the following ldin sleps:Importing a layer Process File (LPF)Editing database Units and default Grid SizeImporting a cell librarymporting and placing a data file in a schematicChanging an element symbolPlacing microstrip lines for layoutAssigning an artwork cell to a schematic elementViewing a layoutAnchoring a layout cellCreating an artwork cellManipulating the mtrace2 element in layoutSnapping functions in layout· Expor ling a layoutThe example you create in this chapter is available in its complete form aslayout example. emp in your C: \\Program Files aWr2008\\Examples directoryTo access this file from a list of Getting Started example projects, chooseFile open Example, Ctrl-click the Keywords column header and lypegetting_ started in the text box at the bottom of the dialog box. You canuse this example file as a referenceTo create a pro ject1. Choose File New Project2. Choose File Save Project As. The Save as dialog box displays3. Navigate to the directory in which you want to save the project, typeayout example as the project name, and then click saveA Layer Process File(Lpf) defines the default settings for the layout viewincluding drawing layers, layer mappings, 3D views, and emsight mappingsTo import an LpF:1. Click the Layout tab at the lower left of the window to display theLayout manager2. Right-click Layer Setup in the Layout Manager, and choose ImportProcess Definition. The Import Process definition dialog box displays3. Locate the program directory (c: Program Files\\aWr\\AWr2008 is thedefault installation directory) and double-click it to open it. Ifyou changed the default installation directory, then locale thatdirectory instead when the program directory is referenced4. Select the MiC english lpf file and click Open. Click Yes whenprompted to replace the default lpf file. The following figure showsthe layout manager.回 LayoutE- Layer Setup□ MIC english. lpfLayout managerout Optiong画田 Layout CellsDrawing layerPError8日0ardQ Coppera database unit is defined as the smallest unit of precision for a layoutIt is very important that this parameter is not changed after it is set.Changing database units can cause rounding errors that may lead to problemsin the layout file. The grid size is important because many ic designs mustreside on a grid. The grid must be greater than or equal to the databaseunit. Because the grid multipliers smallest unit is. lx, you should setthe grid to 10 times the database unit to prevent having a smaller gridChan database unitTo set the database unit and grid size1. Choose Options layout Options. The layout Options dialog boxdisplays2. On the layout lab, type.1 in Grid spacing and.01 in Databaseunit size3. In Snap together, select Auto snap on parameter changes and thenclick oKLayout optIonsLayout FontGds cell stretcherPlacementI Eport/LPF INet Paths Dimension LinesRulerGrid OptionNumber of points for 360 degreeGrid spacingDatabInt size∏忌『b已怨Rotation snap angle 45 degelect instanceLayout Cell Snap OptionsSnap togethetDon\'t rotate shapes when snappingAuto snap on parameter changes d defaultnection to closest lacLuto face insetFixed origin for subcircuitDo not inset faceFixed origin for layout cells□ Keep origin on gridCancelCell libraries are used in Microwave office to provide both the phpackages and footprints lor printed circuit board or hybrid design sicalprocesses, as well as the standard artwork cells used in MMIC and RFICdesign processes. Microwave Office supports the gDsii file format as thenative drawing tool formatTo import a gdsii cell library1. Right-click Cell Libraries in the Layout Manager and choose ImportGDSii Libr第页,共页2. Navigate to the C: /Porgram Files/AWR/./ Examples/ directory in theAWR program directory and double-click it to open it.3. Select the packages. gds file and click Open The imported cellibrary displays in the layout Manager. If a warning message displayslick OK吧 Layout目 MIC english, Ip白画 Cell librariesE-Gbs packages [C: \\Program FilesFH AlFH Alpha_300_801EApa_30080at100巴McX2FH MicroFH SM InductorEH SOT 23画 Layout cellsTo import a data file1. In the Project browser, right-click Data files and choose import dataFile. The browse for file dialog box displays2. Navigate to the C: /Porgram Files/ AWR/./ Examples/ directory in theAWR program directory and double- click it to open it.3. Select the N7603 a s2p file and then click OpenTo place a data file in a schematic and add a ground node1. Right-click Circuit Schematics in Project Browser, choose NewSchematic, and create a schematic named gs layout, then click OK2. Click the sub button on the toolbar to add a subcircuit. The AddSubcircuit element dialog box displays as shown in the follow inggure.3. Select N76038a from the list and select explicit ground node as theGrounding typeAdd subcircuit elementI Name Ports TypeNT6038a2 Data FilGrounding T ypeC Normalnd nodeC Balanced portancel4. Click oK to place it in the schematic windowSUBCKTNET=N76038aYou can change the subcircuit symbol to represent a fet so that you can seewhich nodes correspond to the gate, drain, and source.To change the element symbol1. Double-click the subcircuit element in the schematic window TheElement Options dialog box displays.第页,共页2. Click the Symbol tab3. Select FEt@system. syf in the list box, and then click OKSUBCKTID=S1NET= N76038a Microstrip elements have default layout cells associated with each elementThe layout cells are parameterized and dynamically sized to the valuesspecified for each parameter.Microwave office has specialized microstrip elements called Icells(intelligent cells) that do not require any parameter values for thedimensions of the element Icells automatically inherit the necessaryparameters from the connecting elementTo place microstrip elements:1. In the element browser, expand the Microstrip category, then clickthe Lines subgroup. Select the MLIn model and place it onto node l ofthe n7068a subcircuit in the schematic windowW=10 mL=100mSUBCKTE=N76038a2. In the microstrip category, click the Junctions subgroup Select theMTEE nodel and place it in the schematic window connected to theMLIN element as shown in the following figureID=TLdMTEESFL= 100 milSUBCKTNET= N75Q38aNOTE: Elements with names ending in$ inherit their attributes from theports to which they connect. Elements with names ending in X are createdfrom a look-up table of EM-generated models. Thus, the name MTEeX ismicrostrip lee junction based on an EM model look-up table that inheritsits widths from the ports to which it connect.s.1. In the Microstrip category, click the Lines subgroup Select theMTRACE2 model and place it in the schematic window onto node 1 of theMTEES element2. Select the MleF model in the same subgroup and place it in theschematic window. Right-click three times to rotate the element, thenposition it onto node 3 of the MTeeS element3. Double-click the mTRace2 element in the schematic window to displaythe element options dialog box.4. Edit the mtrace2 parameters to match those shown in the followingfigure, then click OK.5. Repeal step 4 for the mlin and MLEF elements to match theirparameters to those shown in the following figureMTRACEZIDEX2W=10 milL=20C milIDETLType=2V=10 mIlD=TL2L=100 milSU3C TNET=NT6038aD=TL3W=20 milL=150m6. Click the Substrates category, then select the MSUB model and placel on the schematic window as shown in the following figure7. Double-click the MSUB element in the schematic window to display theElement Options dialog box. edit the Msub parameters to match thosein the following figure, then click OK.MTRACE2IDEX2W=10 milL=200ID=TL1TYre=2NTEE事上=10mID-TL?1-100 milN=T= N76038aE|=98T=0.1 milRho=1Tand〔W=20 milErNome9. 8L=150 miName=SUB18. Click the port button on the toolbar move the cursor onto theschematic, position the port on the left node of the mtrace2 elementas shown in the following figure, and click again to place it9. Add another port to node 2 of the SUBCKT element. Right-click threetimes to rotate the port, position it, and click again to place it.10. To complete the schematic, click the Ground button on the toolbarmove the cursor into the schematic, position the ground on node 3 ofthe SlBCKT element, and click again to place it.MTRACE2CPORTW=10 milL-200mIDtL1MTEE零W=10m2=50 ohm M=L=100 milIDEST」ET NF6038aEr=98H=10 miT0.1mLEI L3TancEW=20 milErNomE 9.8L=150 milNEme=sUB 1第页,共页 ...展开详情

本文链接: http://milport.immuno-online.com/view-707219.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)